personal trainer Southampton
MBODY Fitness
& Personal Training
25 Queen's Terrace
Hampshire SO14 3BQ
personal trainer Southampton
personal trainer Southampton

MBODY Fitness & Personal Training Southampton
How can a Personal Trainer Help You?

Working with a Personal Trainer on a one-to-one basis can help you achieve your fitness goals in ways you had perhaps never imagined! You have ongoing support, a friendly ear, a caring professional who wants the best for you and challenges you to become the best you!

My experience and passion for fitness enable me to offer you a bespoke fitness and wellness solution.

I have been working in the wellness sector for over a decade and also have almost 2 years' experience working as a Sports Massage Therapist and over 20 years as a chef!

As a sports massage therapist - I have a particular interest in myofascial release and postural correction to improve mobility and my clients' quality of life.

As an experienced chef - I can help my clients make better nutrition choices by providing healthy eating plans using whole foods and clean supplementation. My focus is on improving gut health, recognising the gut-brain-skin connection for daily wellness.

As an NLP Master Practitioner and Stress Management Facilitator, I am able to help my clients overcome any mental and mindset blockages along the way, as well as identifying resources that will empower them to continue on their journey making the right sustainable lifestyle changes including their thoughts and behaviours.

In addition, I can help my clients access clinical support. For the past decade, I have partnered with Dr Xavier & Associates Clinic, an award-winning CQC-regulated clinic established in 2006 and located in Southampton entre. This gives you access to medical services such as hormone testing, hormone replacement, medical weight loss, vitamin injections and IV drips, private blood tests, allergy and DNA tests, and other wellness therapies.

Overview of how we can help you:

There are many benefits to working with a Personal Trainer, and this list is not exhaustive

  • Help you to achieving a specific body or weight target,
  • Help you to gain more confidence,
  • Gain more balance in your lifestyle,
  • Improve body awareness,
  • Help you be kinder towards yourself,
  • Give you accountability and self-accountability,
  • Improve your quality of life,
  • Help you find your own X-factor,
  • Give you greater strength,
  • Improve endurance,
  • Improve your nutritional awareness,
  • Greater self-love and self-care,
  • Help improve your mental health,
  • Help you love the skin you live in,
  • Explore your own potential,
  • Help provide you with a sense of community,
  • Give you a sense of purpose,
  • And moreā€¦!

Personal Training (PT) Services

1-2-1 Personal Training Sessions

Accountability, discipline, support, guidance and feedback are some of the key benefits of working with a Personal Trainer on a 1-2-1 basis, someone who gives you their undivided attention and shows you what's possible when you raise your own bar. Whether you've been to the gym for a while or a total novice, working with a PT helps you build the foundations necessary to ensure longevity in your gym attendance AND most importantly that you are doing it safely and sustainably, with the correct lifestyle adjustments to keep you thriving towards a healthier, fitter and happier you!

Couples or Paired Personal Training Sessions

If you and your partner or indeed a friend or sibling would like to train together and don't know what to do then paired training sessions may be the solution for you! If you go to the gym but feel you spend too much time chatting and not getting enough training done then a paired session is more social but more effective! Why not share the cost between you both and have a focused training time while still having fun and with a structure that will ensure you achieve your goals?

12 Week / 3 Month Body Transformation

Can I really transform my body in 12 Weeks/3 months? Is this even possible you might be asking yourself? The answer is yes, you and anyone can do it, as long as you give it your all AND have the right support. When I started my fitness journey towards the end of 2019, and put in place some strategies that would allow me to stay the course and accomplish my goals no matter what I transformed my body like I never knew it was possible before and even though, I had a personal trainer then he had very little input in my transformation, I did all the homework, I wrote my own nutritional plans AND I showed up to the gym no matter what, his role in my journey? To hold me accountable and be the anchor that kept going to the gym. If you are serious about your fitness, willing to commit and most importantly give it your all and your best, this is the programme for you.

Over 40s Personal Training

Starting to train in a gym can be more daunting as we get older. Our bodies change and what we used to eat doesn't agree with us any more, we are more prone to aches and pains, lack of energy, lack of motivation and as the saying goes, we use it or we lose it. Based on my personal experience and years of training with personal trainers and by myself I've had to make some minor and in some instances quite major changes to my programmes. Are you over 40 and feel stuck in a rut? Not knowing what exercises are best for you? What training split between muscle groups to use or even what foods to eat or even avoid? Working with a personal trainer who has been in your same position is definitely the way forward.

Gym Novices

Are you new to the gym and working out? No need to worry because we are start from "zero" as a total novice! Having the right support and guidance from a personal training is important in order to achieve your goals and to stay the course and motivated. If you are brand new to fitness, hiring a personal trainer is a great investment and a tool that will help you to achieve your goals realistically and in a safe and supported way.

Gym Haters

Unless you've been exposed to a healthy and fit life from early in life, if you are anything like I used to be, it is highly unlikely, going to the gym would be a top priority in your life and it is OK it is a skill we learn over time and the more we do it, the more likely we are to stick to it and make it part of our daily and weekly routine. Thankfully, I put strategies in place to help me stick to my gym attendance and work smarter rather than harder in order to achieve my goals. The same is possible to you too!

Online Coaching

Have you been training at the gym for a while, and do you feel confident enough to perform most workouts on your own? Are you on a tight budget? Then Online Coaching/Training would be a perfect fit for you. Less costly than face to face personal training, you tell me your goals and I design the programme for you to follow. Coaching, follow up, questions and feedback all given to you online, so you can work towards your goals guided online.

Personal Health MOT Programme (tailored to individual needs)

You don't know what you've got until you lose it and it isn't until it is almost too late we tend to take some action or are forced to take some action to be more accurate. The Health MOT Programme is ideal for someone who has a considerable amount of weight to lose and we address the key areas we must change in order to adjust our lifestyles to maintain these changes in the future, these includes, eating habits, exercises, cardio vascular activities, mind blocks, and we put in place strategies to gradually and safely achieve your goals. With the help of my medical partners, we can also look into vitamins and minerals deficiency and at your hormones for any additional supplementation to ensure you are enroute to the best possible health you've ever had, fitter, healthier, happier and more you.

Home Personal Trainer Visits

Not a fan of gyms? Do you feel more comfortable working out in the safety of your own home? I can come to your home at a time that is convenient for you, and we work on your personal goals at your own convenience and when we weather is nicer we can even venture into your garden or even a park near you to add more variety and versatility to your workout.

Sports Massage

In order to maintain our body in optimal condition and form, undergoing regular maintenance massage is key to remove knots (adhesions) from the muscles and promote the repair of the muscles, to remove waste products, speed the recovery process, help lengthen the muscles post training, improve flexibility and Range of Motion.

If you train 5-6 days a week, a weekly maintenance massage would be ideal; if you train 3-4 days a week and practice some other physical activities once every other week and those who don't exercise at all and are exposed to all the stresses available to all of us in an ideal world should have a maintenance massage once per month.

Visit the MBODY Sports Massage Website

Sports/Maintenance Massage from £60/hour.
  • Maintenance Sports Massage
  • Postural Correction
  • Range of Movement Checks
  • Injury Prevention & Rehab
  • Myofascia Release


Lifestyle coaching and habit change advice as well as the nutritional advice are part of the PT services offered to each one of my clients; however, there are times in which blockages appear that require an additional level of expertise and skills to overcome these roadblocks and limiting beliefs to help us move forward and achieve our weight loss goals. With years of experience as a Coach and Practitioner in Cognitive Therapies such as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), I've felt the benefits of these approaches first hand in my personal journey (in my fitness and personal ones), and I feel extremely confident that they'd be able to help you too so you can start living your best live, loving every aspect of yourself.

Weight Loss Coaching sessions from £100/hour.
  • Lifestyle/Habit Changes Advice
  • Nutritional Advice

Clinical and Medical Support

For the past decade, I have partnered with Dr Xavier & Associates Clinic, an award-winning CQC-regulated clinic established in 2006 and located in Southampton entre. This gives you access to medical services such as;

  • Hormone testing,
  • Hormone replacement,
  • Gut health therapies,
  • Medical weight loss,
  • Vitamin booster injections and IV drips,
  • Private blood tests,
  • Skin health treatments
  • Fat reduction,
  • Allergy and DNA tests,
  • ...and other wellness therapies.

MBODY Fitness & Personal Training Southampton
25 Queen's Terrace
Hampshire SO14 3BQ
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